Ambient Education

For the majority, to fight for the end of the ditches of sewers the opened sky, bad conditions of works in the plants does not have nothing to have with the environment. The public power, politicians the entrepreneurs have greaters responsibilities in relation to the aggressions to the nature, which had to the socioeconmicos interests of our species, therefore, beyond having the power to take decisions, also they make inadequate use of the natural resources, as if these were inexhaustible sources. However, we, common citizens, are not hindered of the citizenship exercise, must and can yes, to make our part. The gravity of the problems related to the environment is preoccupying. Either a poor or rich country, the fact is that the ambient degradation harms the life of all the beings livings creature. As for the human being, this is wronged mainly in its quality of life, in the direction most complete of the word. Therefore, the paper of the Ambient Education is of basic importance, mainly in the school, that must have as objective greater the formation of critical and compromised citizens, of responsible form, with the future. With everything, a class action on the part of all is basic involved inside of the pertaining to school environment, in the direction to know the reality well where if he is inserted and how much this the PCNs is emphatical: so that if it can understand the gravity of this problem and come to develop values and attitudes of respect to the environment, it is necessary that before everything, if they know which the qualities of this environment, of this nature that if wants to defend, because the people protect what they love and value. (the PCN, (2001, p.73) As if see, are necessary to know the environment where we live so that let us can act in the socioambiental reality of a world compromised to the life of each alive being, of the local and global community.

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