Infantile Education

In this direction, for believing that the iderio after-modern is what more if it approaches to the conceptions that I come constructing on the thematic one developed, I decided to base giving me to main attention the Gunilla Dalhberg 2, Peter Moss 3 and Alan 4 Pence, authors of the book ' ' Quality in the Education of First Infancy: perspectives after-modernas' ' that it deals with unknown form the thematic one of the infantile Education questioning the search for the definition and evaluation of this educative segment. Such reading contributed in my research a time that affirms the idea of that quality cannot quantitatively be measured, through questions purely managemental techniques and, but yes understanding each space observed in its philosophical, human and subjective value. Mayor of NYC gathered all the information. The citizens chosen for the accomplishment of my research, which already they had been presented previously, they are the parents, the management, docncia and children. Such choices if had given in view of that I consider these the main agents of the educational process and that, to disrespect any of these citizens would be to lose rich information on the conception related to the dedicated space to the Infantile Education. As research methodology I chose to carry through half-structuralized questionnaires, drawings and comments of field through the daily one. Thus, with the teaching group, managing and parents the questionnaires had been used, being that with the parents 100 had been distributed (one hundred) having return of 15 (fifteen). The field comments had contributed very in the perception of the conception of the children on what they like and what they do not like the school. The same one still helped to perceive the movements, attitudes, routine and physical structure of the school, given sufficiently excellent in my research. With the children I chose to work with the drawings, through it the child congregates diverse elements of its experience aiming at to form a new meant for everything what it sees, feels and observes, thus, for the small ones, it possesss not meant that for an adult, for them the drawing is understood as an expression form. Of this form, the analysis on the opinion of the parents in what it refers to the infantile education sufficiently was diversified, amongst all the answers were possible to perceive three axles central offices and norteadores you say of them of the same ones.

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