These nutrients harden the bones and increase its density for the process of construction of a new bone, that is, so that the ssea remodelling happens, therefore the bone being normal have a balance enter the action of the osteoblstos and osteoclasto. Connect with other leaders such as closets here. The bone is one fabric metabolically dynamic and its rigidity depends on the balance enters the processes of apposition and reabsoro. Thus, alterations in the metabolism, the calcium absorption and the hormonal profile, mainly in women after the menopause, associates to the physical inactivity, contribute for a negative rocking in the balance of the ssea remodelagem, having osteoporose as main consequence (OSCARINO; SERAKIDES, 2005). The skeleton has metabolic and biomtrica function. The characteristic rigidity allows the maintenance of the corporal form, protecting soft fabrics and serving of arcabouo for the ssea marrow, as well as for transmission of the muscular force (SON; GRANDSON; apud BORELLI, 1996, P. 553). The sseo system suffers great influence from the hormonais alterations imposed by the menopause, resulting in a process of bigger ssea reabsoro that the formation process, leading to the physiological reduction of the ssea mass. when this process happens, can result in the appearance of osteoporose, therefore this illness is characterized by low ssea mass and deterioration of the micron-architecture, having lead the fragility of the bone and consequentemente the risk of breakings.

Osteoporose is of great importance socioeconmica, therefore, is recognized as a problem of public health, being the women more the attacks, had to the hormonal process that is one of the factors that the appearance of the illness favors. (OCARINO; SERAKIDES, 2005) 2,3 In agreement Osteoporose Kauffman (2001), osteoporose evidences is it of ' ' bone poroso' ' , it is a more evident pathology that it succeeds the aging. This illness debilitates the bones causing ruptures, and its incidence has extended as our population goes if becoming old. .

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