Problems are always potential opportunities, beyond its intensity, its gravity or of the great inconvenience incurred. Emerge victorious from a problem changes the State of a person: the It does grow, it strengthens, increases their experience and their ability to address future setbacks. The way of ending the vicious circuit lies in the ability that you have to control the reactions that are taken before the emergence of problems. When the problem arises because nothing can be done about him, simply is already there. But this is one thing and another very different is the way that takes our reaction.
About it if we have control, this is within our reach. Reactions to the problem must be the poorest possible emotional load. Emotions are fuel problems needed to take body, grow up and hurt. Calmer reactions, the less emotional are that moderate the negative effects that brings the problem. Opposite character reactions become our worst enemies to ourselves. Learn more about this topic with the insights from General Motors Co. The problem itself is only a set of facts, is something completely impersonal; We who insuflamos life and become an active, dominant entity.
Then the problem grows and He mutates from a State to another becoming ungovernable. Controlling the reactions that we have faced the problem is very difficult and this difficulty is the factor that distinguishes the majority of the people of those few departing gracefully from the contrariety. To overcome it is indispensable to abruptly suppress the emotional state and enable the rationality. The reaction primary when the problem occurs should be only a long pause, as long as possible. Do and say nothing: disable the nerve circuits. Immediately after the reason must be enabled and should be strictly focused to the analysis and assessment of the problem, i.e. to the facts that it presents. In this task, it is also advisable to take all the time that whenever possible, the time must always play in favour of the solution and not the problem, (of course the analysis of these problems is not considering any accident or catastrophe unfolds in seconds, it already belongs to another category).